and Anti-Rape Activists
are activists and presenters that we know to be powerful and experienced.
If you know of anyone who has a great presentation on any rape-related
issue please email us at resources@rapeis.org
with their name and contact information.
Sgt Joanne Archambault, an officer with the San Diego Police Department
Sex Crimes Unit, is the founder of SATI (Sexual Abuse Training and Investigations),
a consulting firm providing victim centered, multi-disciplinary training
and expert consultation regarding crimes of sexual assault. Sgt Archambault
is a nationally renowned lecturer. www.mysati.com
Diane Rosenfeld is a fellow at the Berkman Center for Internet
& Society (Harvard University). She offers an online course about violence
against women and gives a wonderful comprehensive presentation on rape.
email: rosenfel@law.harvard.edu
Wendy Murphy is a victims' advocacy lawyer and founder of the Victim
Advocacy and Research group, offering legal assistance to crime victims.
She is also an adjunct professor at New England School of Law and a frequent
television news legal analyst.
e-mail: wmurphylaw@aol.com
Vednita Carter is the cofounder of Breaking Free, an organization
that helps prostituted women. She offers a great presentation drawing
connections between prostitution and rape and prostitution and slavery.
Vednita Carter, Breaking Free
1821 University Ave. West
Suite 216 South
St. Paul, MN 55104
tel: 651/645.6557
Gillian Caldwell, the first full-time director of WITNESS (a human
rights media organization),is a lawyer who specializes in international
human rights, civil rights, and family law. At various non-governmental
organizations around the world, she has worked directly on a range of
rights issues including worldwide migration policies, torture, women´s
rights, trafficking in women, and disability discrimination.
353 Broadway
New York, NY 10013
tel: 212/274.1664 ext.201

about 85 percent of
cases, sexual assaults
occur between people
who know each other."
Source: Diana Russell,
The Prevalence and Incidence of
Forcible Rape and Attempted Rape of Females, Victimology: An International
Journal 7, 1-4 (1983).